ISO 14001
智翔國際科技有限公司以誠信、專業、服務為經營理念,秉持的對環境的承諾:【遵守法令、污染預防、資源回收、持續改善】,已於2023年1月順利通過新版「ISO 14001:2015 環境管理系統」驗證,並取得證書,將持續致力於減少營運對全球環境及社區所帶來的影響,如水、能源、廢棄物與紙類等。
Catek corp. pass the ISO 14001:2015 Certification in January 2023. Catek will continue to keep our commitment to reduce the impact to the environment, and also follow our eco-friendly regulation to help the sustainability of our nature.
ISO 9001:2015 (20 Jan. 2017)
智翔國際科技有限公司長期致力於全面提升客戶服務,維持一貫的品質政策:【品質、效率、服務】與堅守品質目標:【品質第一,顧客滿意】順利通過新版「ISO 9001:品質管理系統」,未來將持續精進優質專業的服務,提高產品品質與客戶服務滿意度,達成持續成長與永續經營之目標。
Continuing maintain our quality policy “Quality, Efficiency and Service,” Catek corp. has passed the ISO 9001:2015 Certification in January 2023. Catek will keep improving our service ability and professional to achieve our one and only goal “customer’s satisfaction and best quality.”
全新網頁上線 (7 OCT. 2024)
全新改版網頁正式上線,您將可更快速的瀏覽我們的產品;網頁寬度也會依照您的瀏覽裝置自動調整,不論是手機或平板電腦,都可享有最佳瀏覽介面;請點擊"Contact Us"將您寶貴的建議告訴我們。
Our website is now online! The new website makes it easier to find our products and contact us. It also fits any sizes of mobile devices by itself. You will have a better browsing experience on your phone or tab. Please let us know your comments by clicking "Contact Us."
1. 不購買不使用衝突地區出產之衝突礦物。
2. 要求供應商拒絕使用來自衝突地區的衝突礦物,及提供無衝突礦產承諾書。
3. 要求本公司供應商,需管理其上下游供應商,必須要遵循無衝突礦物的要求。
衝突礦產: 是指來自剛果民主共和國衝突礦區之礦物,類別有鈮鉭鐵礦,錫石,黑鎢礦與黃金等。這些礦物提煉成鉭(Ta)、錫(Sn)、鎢 (W)(簡稱三T礦物)、鈷(Co)和金(Au)等,分別用於電子和其他產品。 在不久的將來,將會禁止使用某些冶煉廠所生產的金屬,因此所有關鍵供應商皆必須追溯其零件所使用到的金屬的來源及冶煉廠。
Conflict Minerals Policy
Conflict metal: The minerals composed of columbite-tantalite, cassiterite, wolframite and gold from the fighting region of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). These minerals are refined into tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), tungsten (W) (referred to as the 3 T’s), cobalt (Co) and gold (Au), respectively, and are used in electronics and other products. In the near future, the metals produced by some smelters may be banned, therefore all of our key suppliers are required to map their supply chains for the metals in their components back down to smelter and then to source.
Catek corp. guarantees that all of the parts, components, materials and products supplied by our company and/or our affiliates comply with the “Conflict Minerals Policy”. To comply with “Conflict Minerals Policy,” We hereby makes following commitments:
1. Not to purchase conflict minerals from mines in the Conflict Regions.
2. Request its suppliers to refuse to use Conflict Minerals from the Conflict Regions and present a signed letter of commitment to Catek Corp.
3. Request its suppliers to notify their upstream/downstream suppliers to follow Minerals Conflict-Free requirements.