智翔國際科技有限公司專注於精密模具的專業研發設計。本著追求先進研發、高品質的理念,公司針對記憶卡零組件及包裝材料投入研發,包括各式各樣記憶卡的轉接卡,以及咬合式記憶卡,各式記憶卡塑膠薄膜及記憶卡零售膠盒,以德國、日本精密度較高的機台及模具,在台灣配合全自動化設備生產,除確保品質水準及交貨時效外,並可以減少人工檢驗的誤差及成本,使我們能提供台灣製的高品質產品,及近於中國大陸的價格,成為國內許多記憶卡生產大廠的供應商。未來將持續發展記憶卡相關轉接卡及連接器及 外殼的研發,並整合具有競爭優勢的專業能力,提供客戶最佳品質最及時的產品。
Catek Corporation, a leading design and manufacture firm, established since 1997 by a group of highly experienced and specialized technical engineers. In 2005, we merged a famous memory card products design and develop firm in Taiwan with expertise in automatic producing and plastic injection molding, it reinforces our company into a total solution provider of connector and adapter of competitive products for memory card industry as well.
Our Company started out by a series of memory card's card kits, such as snap type memory card frame kits、memory card lid solutions, memory card jewel case(Mini case) and focusing on niche memory card's adapter.
With the highest precision producing machine imported from Japan with our sophisticate talent of precision mold and factory automatic, that we may reduce the waste of manpower and manufacture cost to ensure our product with high quality and reasonable price, with our policy -- always on time with the highest quality product -- it sustains our reputation in the memory card industry.
For the size of memory card develop toward more and more small, Catek will devote more efforts in those adapter and connector which need more Accuracy Dependability Precision. We will also continue introducing new products for existing and oncoming products of memory cards that offers our customers with wide range of product solutions. Through our technology of product manufacture and design, Catek Corporation is envisioning itself to grow from a provider of memory card’s accessories to a leading Technology Pioneer.